Monthly Archives: August 2011

Pushing Forward


Great Leadership

Great leadership is to lead others is to help them change their thoughts, beliefs and actions for the better. The challenge is to be strong; not rude, kind; not weak, to be bold; but not a bully, to be thoughtful; but not lazy, to be humble; not timid, proud; not arrogant and to have humor but without folly.

How do you lead?


Common Ground

Communication is two or more people working together to find a common ground. And when they find a common ground, they are positioned to have tremendous power together..

Phone Home


Everyone, including myself operates primarily out of self-interest. I must expect that sometimes I, in my self-interest, will be annoyed by someone else’s expression of their self-interest. If I can understand that this is an ordinary part of life, what is there to be upset about? If I understand that self-interest is the way that I behave, how could I not offer forgiveness to everyone, including myself for behaving that way?

Get What You Deserve

What you become directly influences what you get. Money doesn’t make the world go ’round,’ solve life’s problems, nor does it provide security because it can always go away. A millionaire could give away his fortune because what’s important isn’t the millions of dollars, it’s the person that he became in the process. The person he became could get it back. Lesson: If you want to make a million dollars, you better grow personally to where you are a million dollar person!


Talent & Virtue

There is a natural aristocracy among men, the grounds of which is talent and virtue-Thomas Jefferson. Perhaps Jefferson was speaking of the natural aristocracy that exists in America-the maximum level of success that can be attained if the grounds of achieving it are mastered. Be a person of strong character and increasing skill and you will always grow in your influence.